Life Process
Kiron Return reflects the theme for the rest of ones life. As we evolve, our wound(edness) reveals our medicine. Providing our most meaningful contributions to others and to the world. The information may point to a twist in the dial of consciousness to be able to see how we can turn our lives around from the seeming blackness of old wounds into the daylight of what life is really meant to be.
Theme of Informing others. Transpersonal rulership to be able to care for those that are repressed. The inspiration comes from the past. The social channel of the individual, the cross of informing has the capacity to get people's attention and be mutative. Always carries a 5th line. The general, saint, savor... treachery/treachery. It can be treacherous. Concerned about the larger whole and in protecting the community. Individual and melancholic. The general expression for informing comes out in the world though art. 12/22 is about poetics, music and writing songs. The troupe use to come tot he village to bring the news and information: they would inform others. Example, the secrets are told hypothetically in a novel. Lived out in the artistic form. LAX 22/47-11/12
Education Channels
54/32 Projected Transformation "Here to be driven" to transform raw energy into something that endures. Transforming hard work into material success. Can evaluate whether the time and effort spent is worth the money earned.
12/22 Manifested Openness "Here to be a social being". Here to have an impact on others through unique emotional expression. Charming and ferocious. Need to inform others before I release my emotions in order to avoid arousing anger and resistance. Impact on the emotions of others. To be really effective, I have to honor my moods absolutely. Don't eat if you're not in the mood; don't go out if you're not in the mood, etc...
49/19 Emotional Projected Synthesis "Here to be sensitive to correct bonds" the correct strategy for entering into any kind of bond or contract with another person. Here to learn to be sensitive and to balance my own needs with the needs of others. Can be acutely sensitive or insenstive, depending on the emotional wave. The need to be recognized by others before entering into relationship. Allowing time and space for a natural courtship to develop emotionally clearity before making any commitment. At the root of the stream of touch, demanding close contact with others. Depending on the wave, can what to hug or hit. Food is of great importance, need to eat together with others regularly.
Personal Channels
53/42 Generated Maturation "Here to finish what is started" Whatever one begins in life must finished. Cyclical format energy governs the whole of the sensing circuit and this channel will condition all other definitions in the bodygraph to operate according to a cyclic process.
57/20 Project Brain Wave "Here to penetrate awareness" No matter how quickly I can intuit an answer, I must wait to be invited to release wisdom.
31/7 Projected Alpha "Here to understand patterns" Leadership understanding of patterns and trends being able to present them in ways that everyone can understand. Here to lead into the future. Can also be a leader in given field, mastering something in position of influence.
37/40 Community Projected "Here to wait to find the right allies" to bond with in order to create harmony in the community. Relationships have to be based on the principle of fairness. If bargains made are not maintained in a clear and open way the bond will break down. Time off for pleasure and a balanced working life. Rooted in touch, needing direct contact with others. Aura to aura very important.
17/62 Acceptance Projected "Here to be an organizational being" mental ability of seeing the bigger picture without getting bogged down in the details. Important to take the time to look into all the relevant facts and details to avoid long term vision that can falter. Need all the facts at fingertips before speaking.
How this guides me: It gives me a thread to observe in my life. How I'm designed to make a meaningful contribution to others and to the world, by focusing on caring for those that are repressed. Inspiration comes from my personal past and offers a path to heal woundedness. Lived out in an artist form operating according to a cyclical process.
- Transforming hard work into material success.
- Impacting others through unique emotional expression.
- Learning to be sensitive and to balance my own needs with the needs of others.
- Waiting to enter correctly, to be invited to release wisdom.
- When it is correct to enter into relationship, quickly intuit an answer with an understanding of patterns and trends, being able to present them in ways that everyone can understand.
- Notice and nurture correct allies.
- Take the time to look into all the relevant facts and details before entering any decision or commitment.
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