Pure Generator
5/1 LAX Masks Split
Generator Motto is: "Wait, respond by listening to your gut, then get going!
You are blessed with endless life-force energy radiating outward, but sometimes you don't find it that easy to make things happen. Some effort is required before you get into your full stride and reach your potential. Your challenge is to know how and where to best apply this enormous energy.
Waiting for the right projects, opportunities and people and honoring your gut response are your keys to finding fulfillment. When you chase or initiate without waiting, life can go wrong. It's when you attract opportunity or respond after exercising patience that things tend to work out.
Master the art of waiting to respond. View yourself as a magnet and let people and openings seek you out. It is an energetic law of life that magnets attract. Whats crucial is your response. This response is governed by your built -in guidance system, the Sacral gut response, signaling who and what warrants your commitment. This is the core secret of your inner being, one that opens doors to what's right for you. Trust the person you born to be - and wait to respond.
You are bright, clever and expert at problem solving, and lead with great vision and an imaginative approach to resolving issues and overcoming all manner of obstacles. You cope. You solve. You advise. Your research and homework are meticulous; you are determined to get to the bottom of things. No one could seem more thorough or dependable than you.
What if the world were ever to see through your defensive projection field? That is your greatest fear, but ultimately it would be no bad thing - it would free you to be yourself. Reaching out, being authentic and setting boundaries is your only liberation and path to fulfillment.
Your inner authority speaks with a gut response 'a-huh' for 'yes' & 'uh-uh' for no. Your strategy is to respond after you wait for a clear response from the lower belly. This is your key to avoid frustration in your life.
Your mind works with abstract mental activity mixed with clarity. Your mind can either be very inspiring for others, or very confusing for you. The mind floods with images and memories from the past. The goal is to accept the mental pressure and wait until the images assume some kind of order. At a mental level, the mind is always trying to bring resolution to your experiences.
The trick is to only use your mind to resolve issues that do not concern you directly. Once confusion is accepted as a part of the mental process, you can discover that things become clear in their own time.
Your mind always needs questions to resolve. Many of the answers are sheer folly, and are not necessarily solutions or facts, but simply a release of the mental pressure you feel. You can experience anxiety when your mind does not understand something. Once you do understand something, it is always replaced with another question, and so the process goes on. Here is the potential answer for every problem except your own.
You are here to impact the way others see things. At your best you can totally change the way we think about something. You have the real capability for innovative thinking that is based on improving the efficiency of how energy is used. This is about thinking that can bring quantum leaps. On the other side, you be a "blurter" and often go through life feeling you are not really being heard. It is essential for you to learn to control the timing of when you speak so you don't alienate yourself from others.
Your Key: It all works bests when you wait to be invited to speak.
There is a deep need to talk things through with others in order that you can hear what you know (it can often surprise you). This is a voice that speaks without knowing what it's saying. This is either a great gift, or it can lead to great misunderstandings. Avoid this by learning to explain your thinking. It can save a lot of difficulty later in life.
You also have The Channel of Maturation which will also be a consistent theme in your life. Which gives you a cyclic design of balanced development. Every time you begin something new, be very cautious. Once you have committed yourself to an endeavour, you have a genetic imperative to complete it. If you do not follow it to its natural conclusion, you will only meet the same problem again later in another form.
This life is dominated by repeating cycles that bring you gradually and steadily to a state of maturity and wisdom. You are here to embody the wisdom that all life is a journey that never ends. You are not here to be goal oriented, but rather to learn to appreciate all the rich experiences of the journey itself. There can be a deep attunement to the cycles of life, planetary cycles, body cycles, historical cycles, etc. as well as having a deep affinity with the past.
Whatever you begin in life must be finished. All projects, relationships and experiences must therefore be entered into clearly and correctly, otherwise you find that you have to wait for a cycle to naturally end ( usually 7 years ) if you move or jump out prematurely you face the same pattern all over again in a different experience.
You care for yourself best with a personal dietary theme that assists your digestion. This is best done when you find what foods you like down to the brand and stay with this list and as you begin to eat you take little bits first to educate your digestion system what is coming. You thrive in a diverse environment with lots of activity and interesting diverse people.
Here are some of your life themes. You are here to look backwards and to accumulate past experience for the advantage of society, looking out of the window of the car into the future. Establishes a pattern for the future, if that pattern can be expressed, it can become influential. Here to provide us with secure patterns for the future but, like my illustration, it does not mean that the pattern is necessarily going to work in the long run.
The fifth line is always waiting to be the savior. The General. Everyone projects on you that you are the one that should lead, whether you are equipped to lead or not. You need to pay a lot of attention to the fact that you are called on in life to lead and if you can fulfill that, obviously reputation will grow. This comes from the need in times of crisis because humanity is in trouble, because society is in danger and is threatened. Key words being; in times of crisis.
Individuality is the perspective of being able to release the role in the now, of just being able to get the creative process out. The abstract process represents our experiential way which is literally the way of being human. Nothing is really learned until the process is really over. Always looking backwards into the past. Listening. Universal ideas and values in an ordered framework - this is the whole process of collecting the past. Storing our experience in order to inspire humanity with it.
Here the projection is that you will listen. Which is not necessarily true. The fact that you often get information from people who would otherwise never tell anyone anything. Nothing. You get those secrets. People feel they can unburden themselves to you. The listener whose gift for finding a role for others is practical. Here you could find out things you do not necessarily want to find out and you get to experience's things you do not necessarily want to experience.
You have an individual mind that is acoustic. So rather than trying to translate an image and turn it into language so that you can get people to see what you are talking about, here you act as a legitimate translator, you take the original inner sound, the inner voice, and fine a way to translate that into a language that allows the individual to explain themselves.
This voice says, "I know," or "I don't know." When you say, "I know," you had better be able to explain yourself, if you can't, you will be rejected. It is not about what is right or wrong. It is about what one knows or does not know.
The problem with all individuality is that it seeks to be accepted. It will always attract attention. The reality is that individuals are simply different. It is not about whether it is good or bad. As a pure individual with an individual mind. You bring the knowing that you have and you do the very best you can to explain it. The reality is that either that leads to a mutative way in which we think or you will be rejected as a freak. Freak or Genius.
You have the Design of Individualitity...the awareness possibility is spontaneous resolution, the voice of the muse, the inner ear. This is the inner acoustic mind. this is not a visual mind, it is an inner dialogue. "Oh, I know," it says on the inside. Unless you can properly explain your knowing, you will not feel like you can achieve.
There is a deep anxiety, the fear of the mind, that no one will know what they mean. "They don't know me. They don't know what I mean. They don't know what I want." Once you learn to communicate so that you can develop the skills necessary to explain yourself, you reach achievement. The moment the knower has that "Aha, I know, " everybody hears.
You are able to see those who are inspiring and those who are confusing. With an undefined heart, there is inconsistent will power - you are not designed to prove yourself. It is not healthy for you to be spontaneous. You can read the lack of well-being in another and you are sensitive to the state of your own health. You can be very empathetic and avoid emotional decisions. Emotions are always conditioned by your environment. If you are feeling overly emotional, change your environment.
Father & Son